In this guide, we will take a look at using filters to find specific orders in Sello.
Filters are used to construct your own custom query, which is then used to perform a search. You can use a large number of options to refine your searches, such as only showing orders based on channel, country, status, and more.
Here's how:
- Log into Sello
- Go to: Orders
- Click: Filter
- Select one or more filters
- Click: Filter
Combining filters
You can also combine filters with a search in order to refine your results.
Here's how:
- Log into Sello
- Go to: Orders
- Click: Filter
- Select one or more filters
- Input search term in the search bar
- Click: Filter
Saving filters
You can also save a filter to use it again later without needing to re-pick all filter choices, or to export orders from the filter. You can read more about exporting orders here.
Here's how to save a filter:
- Log into Sello
- Go to: Orders
- Click: Filter
- Select one or more filters
- Click: Save filter
- Give the filter a name, then click on Create
- Your newly saved filter will be visible above the filter choices, you can also remove filters here by clicking on the trash can!
Expression in a filter
When you are creating a filter for your orders, you are able to choose a Row status change date, this is the date where the row was changed to refunded or canceled.
You can select if the Row status change date was before, during or after a set date, or you can use an expression to create a more custom filter.
Here's how to create a custom expression for refunds and cancelations between two dates:
- Log into Sello
- Go to: Orders
- Click: Filter
- Select Expression under Row status change date
- Write the expression you would like to use, I want to show refunds and cancelations between:
01-07-2024 and 31-07-2024
So I am using this expression:
gt 2024-07-01,lt 2024-07-31 - Click: Filter