In this guide, we will show you how to update your products using our Excel import feature.
The Excel import lets you update already existing products by uploading an Excel (.xlsx) file.
You can also create products using this method, read more here.
You'll need to make sure that Sello is able to match the changes in the file to an actual product, this is done by including one of these identifiers below:
- Sku - Your internal product ID
- Id - Sello's article number
- Property EAN - Sello article "European Article Number"
- Property GTIN - Sello article "Global Trade Item Number"
Failure to include either of these will result in an error.
Column names
You will also need to make sure that all your column names meet our standards, a list of supported column names can be found at the bottom of the Excel import page.
If your column name is not found on the Excel import page, you can find it by following the below steps:
- Click on Edit
- Go to the Details section
- Open the tab for the marketplace
- Click on the name of the attribute you wish to update with excel
- Copy the highlighted name and value
- Add the copied name as column name, and add the value to the cells
- Done! The file can now be imported
Keep in mind that your cells need to be filled with relevant data. Leaving cells empty is not allowed.
When your file is ready, it's time to start the import.
Here's how:
- Log into Sello
- In the top-left menu, find Import / export
- Find Excel in the Import -section
- Click: Import
- Choose: Update products with my file
- Select your file
- Click: Start
Your file will now be queued for processing, you can see your estimated wait time to the right.
Good to know:
- If you have a large file with thousands of lines of data it might be a good idea to divide it into smaller files. Long texts are usually what increase file size the most.
- Images need to be available on a web address (URL). You can import more than one image per product, just separate the URL with commas.
- We suggest importing texts under "Standard name" and "Standard description" as in most cases this is what you want. You can import a marketplace-specific text but then that text will override the "Standard name" and "Standard description" and only work for that marketplace.
- Keep in mind that including new images for a product in the file will overwrite the old ones, so if you want to add more, make sure to include the URL to the old ones as well.
- It is advisable to split bigger files up into smaller ones ensuring the file is processed smoothly.
- By default, Sello will select the shared import queue - If you do not wish to wait, you can choose to use a private instance which will process your file, but keep in mind that this will cost you 5 EUR excel VAT.