In this guide, we will show you how to create delivery notes in the order -section in Sello.
Some sales channels require that you include a delivery note unique to that channel in your order. Luckily, you can generate channel-specific delivery notes directly from the order interface in Sello.
If a sales channel requires you to use their delivery notes, Sello will automatically download them for you when you create delivery notes. If no requirements regarding channel-specific delivery notes are found, Sello's standardised delivery note will be used instead.
You can create delivery notes for up to 250 orders at a time, and the delivery notes will be sorted by sales channels, meaning you will get one file per channel.
Here's how:
- Log into Sello
- Go to: Orders
- Select your orders
- Click: Delivery notes
A PDF -file will be downloaded to your computer that you can then print.
Good to know:
- You can customize Sello's standardized delivery note in the settings -section. Read more here.
- Clicking the channel-specific order ID in eligible orders will generate a singe delivery note for that specific order.