In this guide, we will show you how to select which columns should be visible in the inventory.
Activating additional columns in the inventory can be used to gain more insight into your product data. Most visible columns can also be used in conjunction with the Quick Edit -feature to edit specific parts of your products, read more here.
It can also help you find products that are missing a certain type of information, which can be achieved by using visible columns to sort your products. Read more here.
By default, most columns aren't visible in the inventory, so if you want the inventory to show more than what is currently presented, you'll need to activate them.
Here's how:
- Log into Sello
- Go to: Inventory
- Click: Select columns
- Find your column by searching or scrolling
- Click: Save
Currently active columns will be displayed to the right.
If your inventory is too cluttered and you wish to clear up some space, you can deactivate columns.
Here's how:
- Log into Sello
- Go to: Inventory
- Click: Select columns
- Click the "x" to the right of the column's name
- Click: Save
To reset the columns completely, click: Remove all columns.
Good to know:
- You can sort your products based on the information in columns, in either ascending or descending order.
- Many columns and the information therein can be edited using the "Quick Edit" -feature, however, they'll need to be activated first.
- If you can't see your desired attribute in the list of columns in the "Select columns" -window, you'll need to add and fill the attribute on at least one product by searching for it in the "Details" -tab.