In this guide we are going to show you how to connect Centra to Sello.
Sello uses a couple of features in Centra to get you hooked up. The features we need to overview in Centra is the following.
- Create a Market for Sello to use in your Retail store
- Activate the products you want Sello to get in the Market you created
- Create a API token (GraphQL)
- Create a plugin for Order API
- Create a plugin for Centra Webhooks
There are a lot of credentials that need to be stored in Sello, therefore, we reccomend saving these in a separate document for easy access when it is time to input these in Sello to finalize the connection.
Create a Market:
- Log into Centra
- Navigate to: Direct to consumer -> More -> Markets
- Click: + Create market
- Add a Market name (we suggest using the channel's name, eg. Zalando)
- Select store (Retail)
- Click: Save
- Copy the name you gave the market
- Copy the Market ID found in the left-most column
Activate the products you want to be synchronized to the market you created.
Create a API token (GraphQL):
- Log into Centra
- Navigate to: System -> API tokens
- Click: + Create integration API token
- In the Description field add Sello
- In Expires at choose a date far into the future like 2050-01-01
- In Store types choose Direct to consumer
- In Stores choose Retail
- In Read permissions choose ALL
- In Update permissions choose ALL
- Click: Save
- Copy the Token (visible in the top-right)
- Copy the Endpoint (visible in the top-left)
Create the Order API plugin:
- Log into Centra
- Navigate to System -> Stores
- Choose: Retail
- Click + Add plugin method
- Choose Active on Status
- Add Sello Order to Plugin name
- Choose Order API on Plugin
- Add a random code to Secret API key (eg. Ao8ry"Kcgy|]q2v5x167Le2e!)
- In Markets choose the market / markets you created
- Choose your Primary warehouse
- In Get Orders with Status choose ALL
- In Allow access to the following endpoints choose ALL
- Click: Save
- Open the plugin you created Sello Order
- Copy the Base URL
- Copy the Secret API key
Add Centra to your Sello account:
- Login to Sello
- Navigate to: Settings -> Webshops -> Centra
- Click: Connect Now!
- Add your Centra credentials you created earlier
- Click: Create connection
Copy your Sello webhook URL:
- Login to Sello
- Navigate to: Settings -> Webshops -> Centra
- Click: Settings
- Copy: Your webhook URL
Create the Centra Webhook plugin:
- Log into Centra
- Navigate to System -> Stores
- Choose: Retail
- Click + Add plugin method
- Choose Active on Status
- Add Sello Webhook to Plugin name
- Choose Centra Webhook on Plugin
- Add your Sello webhook URL to the Webhook URL
- Remove any Endpoint secret and leave the field blank
- In Version choose Checkout API
- In Event triggers choose only Products as Yes
- On all other Event triggers then Products choose No
- Click: Save