In this guide, we will look at the section in the "Edit" -window called “Price”.
This section lets you control what price should be sent to your channels. There are two ways of giving your products a price, using the "Calculate price" -feature or setting a price for each channel individually.
Calculate price
This price feature is the first two fields you see in the price section.
Using this, you'll only need to input a price once and Sello will then use this on all your channels. Sello will convert this price to match the currency used on channels not using the currency you are using. We update the currency conversion rates every day.
While this is active we will disable the specific price fields for all other channels, so adjusting a single price is not possible.
These fields correspond to "Price" and "Regular price", and will be set in corresponding fields for all channels if applicable.
Specific price
If you do not want to use the Calculate price -method, you can add specific prices for each of your channels manually.
Simply find your marketplace in the list, click to expand it and set your prices.
The different price fields
- Auction start price – The price that your auction item starts at.
- Buynow / BuyNow price:
Price for buying an auction item right away, skipping the auction.
Price for fixed-price ads on Tradera. - Reservation price – Auction items won't be sold unless reaching this price. (Tradera only).
- Store price – Price for a product sold in your store. (Tradera only).
- Regular price – Price recommended by the manufacturer or market. Also called Industry Price.
- Campaign price – Can be used as a campaign price or a standard price.
- Price - Your run-of-the-mill price.
Which fields can be used for what channel, what fields correspond to what and what they are called varies from channel to channel.
Some have their own types of prices not found on others, for example, Tradera has a reservation price, while eBay doesn't. Although, almost all channels support some form of generic standards, such as a price, and a regular price, the latter being the industry price of the product.
What these fields are called all depends on what they are called in the marketplace's individual systems, for example, Fruugo uses the names "Price" and "Regular price" while Prestashop uses "Price" and "Campaign price".
Good to know:
- Saving when a product's price field is blank, will put it back the way it was before you deleted it. You will have to reduce the price to zero and then click: “Save”. Don’t worry, the product will not be put up for sale for free, this won’t synchronize to the marketplace at all.