If you have gotten a request from Amazon that they would like an export of your products in Sello, so are there no problems to do it. But Amazon want some specific fields in the exported file, so you can't select just any field(s) you want, since then they can't process the file correctly in their system.
The standard fields that they want in the export are:
- Name in Swedish and English
- Description in Swedish and English
- Bulletpoints in Swedish and English
- Brand
- Manufacturer
- Manufacturer item no
- Google Category
- Images
- At least one of: EAN/GTIN/UPC/ISBN (Found in the "Details" list)
The largest part of the data that they want exported from Sello, are the details on the products, so you should select as many as possible from the list below. Since the more details that you can export, the more data Amazon have to work with when processing the export later.
This is a list of details that Amazon can handle, note that you can use the search field if you don't want to scroll through the list manually:
- AreBatteriesIncluded
- AreBatteriesRequired
- AspectRatio
- AssemblyInstructions
- BagColor
- BagMaterial
- BagSize
- BagType
- BatteryAverageLife
- BatteryCapacity
- BatteryType
- BeltSizeNumber
- BeltSizeText
- Binding
- BladeLength
- BookType
- BrushType
- BulbType
- CableLength
- CableLengthUnit
- CableType
- Capacity
- CapacityUnit
- CatalogSize
- ClothingSize
- ClothingSizeText
- Color
- ColorGroup
- ColorMap
- ColorPattern
- ColorText
- CompatibleDevice
- CompatibleDevices
- CompatibleModel
- CompatibleWith
- CountryOfOrigin
- CupSize
- Department
- Depth
- DepthUnit
- Diameter
- DiameterUnit
- Dimensions
- DisplaySize
- DisplayType
- EuropeanShoeSize
- FurnitureMaterial
- GameGenre
- GameLanguage
- GamePlatform
- GameType
- Gender
- GenericMaterial
- GenericModel
- Genre
- HardwarePlatform
- HeadSizeName
- HeadwearSize
- Height
- HeightUnit
- InnerMaterial
- InstrumentType
- LampColor
- LampType
- Language
- Length
- LengthUnit
- Lens
- LightColor
- Material
- MaterialList
- MaterialType
- MinimumAge
- MinimumAgeRecommendation
- Model
- NumberOfBatteries
- NumberOfItems
- NumberOfParts
- OperatingSystem
- OpticalZoom
- OuterMaterial
- Pattern
- PatternName
- PhoneBrand
- PhoneCasePattern
- PhoneCaseType
- PhoneModel
- Platform
- PlugType
- PuzzleAge
- ReleaseDate
- Resolution
- RingSize
- RingSizeNumber
- ScreenSize
- ScreenSizeUnit
- Shape
- ShirtType
- ShoeSizeNumber
- ShoeType
- Size
- SizeName
- SizeNumber
- SizeText
- TypeOfmodel
- UnitCount
- UnitCountType
- WaistSize
- WalletColor
- Weight
- WeightUnit
- Width
- WidthUnit
If there are a lot of products that will be exported from Sello, so can the automatic download of the export be unavailable at first. In that case you can reload the page after a few minutes, and then the export will be visible at the bottom of the export page under "Earlier exports".