In this guide, we will show you how to edit the various settings related to Tradera orders in Sello.
The settings let you change a number of things related to orders received on Tradera, these include which status orders receive when they are imported to Sello based on their status on Tradera and whether or not you want Sello to merge orders from the same seller if the orders have a certain status.
By default, most settings will be empty, and as you fill them out, more settings will become visible. As soon as you have connected your Tradera account to Sello, you can start looking over your settings.
Here's how:
- Log into Sello
- Click your profile in the upper-right corner
- Click: Settings
- Go to: Channels and find Tradera
- Click: Settings
- Find the Checkout -section
Here you'll find a range of settings you can use to change how Sello treats orders imported from Tradera. To edit a setting, click the right side of the individual setting's row.
When you are done, click: Save
Good to know:
- When you have made a choice in the "Merge unpaid order that has this status" -setting, a section containing settings related to shipping cost on orders containing items from multiple orders, read more here.