In this guide, we will show you how to add a policy for shipping, returns, and warranty in Allegro.
These policies need to be created and then selected in Sello for you to be able to put products up for sale on Allegro. When they have been created in Allegro, they will be automatically imported to Sello.
The first step is to create the policies in Allegro. Let's start by creating the Warranty Policy.
Here's how:
- Log into Allegro:
- Click your profile in the upper-right corner.
- Click: "moje konto".
- Click the "Moja Sprzedaż" -tab.
- Click: "Ustawienia sprzedaży" -section in the lower-left corner.
- Click: "Informacje o gwarancjach".
- Click: "Dodaj Informacje o Gwarancjl".
You will now have to create the policy.
- Give your policy a name in the top field.
- Select type of warranty under "Rodzaj gwarancji".
- Choose: "producenta / dystrybutora" for manufacturer / distributor.
- Choose: "sprzedawcy" for Seller.
- Select how long the warranty lasts under "Okres gwarancji". Either use the field to specify how long the warranty lasts in months or select lifetime warranty using the "gwarancja dożywotnia" -button.
- Select whether to offer a different warranty period to businesses or not by checking the box under "Okres gwarancji dla przedsiębiorców". If you check this box, another field will become visible where you can specify how many months it is active.
- All that's left is the optional PDF attachment (Informacja o gwarancji (opcjonalnie)) and the additional information -field (Informacje dodatkowe), which you are free to use if you want.
- When you are done, click: "Zapisz".
Next, you need to add a Return Policy.
Here's how:
- Log into Allegro:
- Click your profile in the upper-right corner.
- Click: "moje konto".
- Click the "Moja Sprzedaż" -tab.
- Click: "Ustawienia sprzedaży" -section in the lower-left corner.
- Click: "Warunki zwrotów".
- Click: "Dodaj Warunki Zwrotu".
At this point, you will be taken to a blank return policy.
- Start by giving your policy a name in the top field.
- Under "Możliwość odstąpienia od umowy przez kupującego", choose whetther you accept all returns or if you only accept return in certain cases.
- Choose "jest możliwość" to accept all returns.
- Choose "ograniczona możliwość lub brak możliwości" to limit returns.
Choosing the second option lets you select a reason for not accepting a return, such as "The buyer has opened the packaging" and so on, below.
- In the "Czas na odstąpienie od umowy" -field, input the maximum number of days before returns are not accepted.
- In the "Koszt przesyłki zwrotnej pokrywa" -field, specify whether you or the buyer pays for shipping in case of a return.
- Choose: "kupujący" for Buyer.
- Choose: "sprzedający" for Seller.
- In the "Adres do zwrotów" -section, you need to input your return address:
- Nazwa odbiorcy = Recipient's name.
- Ulica i numer budynku = Street and building number.
- Kod pocztowy = Zip code.
- Miejscowość = City.
- Kraj = Country.
- Informacje dodatkowe = Additional information.
- When you are done, click: "Zapisz".
Next, you'll need to add a Shipping Policy.
Here's how:
- Log into Allegro:
- Click your profile in the upper-right corner.
- Click: "moje konto".
- Click the "Moja Sprzedaż" -tab.
- Click: "Ustawienia sprzedaży" -section in the lower-left corner.
- Click: "Ustawienia dostawy".
- Click: "Dodaj Nowy Cennik".
An empty shipping price list will be opened.
- Start by giving your policy a name in the top field.
- Then you need to find your desired shipping option in the list. If you are shipping from another country, find your country in the bottom and input payment info, cost, and maximum packages.
- When you are done, click: "Zapisz".
The last step is to select these for use in Sello.
Here's how:
- Log into Sello.
- Go to: "Settings" -> "Channels".
- Find "Allegro" and click: "Settings".
- Select your policies in the lists at the bottom.'
Good to know:
- You can create multiple policies of every kind in Allegro.