In this guide, we will look at the section in the "Edit" -window called My item.
This section is to give your product various information most notable being an SKU, product quantity, and delivery time. Below is a basic rundown of the section's content.
My item
Private name
An internal name that can be shown in the inventory list, used purely as a way to identify a product when an SKU is not enough.
Product reference
Also called SKU, your own internal article number. Setting this on your products is a great way to stay organized and can alleviate inventory management in general.
What condition the products are in, this is primarily used on channels that support selling in the form of auctions or fixed-price ads where used items are usually put up for sale. You can choose from either new or used.
Your tax rate. Which tax rate you should choose depends on where you are selling the item and where your business is located geographically.
This list will display all your created suppliers when clicked and you can then choose one for your product. This is mainly used in conjunction with our purchase order feature, clicking +Create new will let you create a new supplier.
Quantity in stock
How many of this product you currently have in stock, this can also be modified directly in the inventory view.
Stock location
This acts as the product's picking location and will be displayed on marketplace-specific delivery notes, if applicable.
Delivery time
How long it will take to deliver the product, how the different channels interpret this may vary. Most marketplaces use this information as it is, and some use it as lead time to ship instead.
Some channels won't let you specify a delivery time in the product data, some want you to set this using their admin interface and some have a universal standard.
If the channel supports it, we will send the information specified here, you can set one delivery time per country, and what countries appear here depends on what channels you are connected to.
By default, a 1 - 3 day delivery time will be filled in.
You can use the list here to see which folder the product is as of now, clicking the list will display all your folders and clicking one and then saving will move the product to that folder.
By default, your product will be placed in the main folder.
Purchase price
Used to calculate statistics among other things.